The origins are still debated today, but most believe the game of baccarat was created in Italy in the 1400s by a man named Felix Falguiere or Falguierein. He called the game “baccara,” Italian for “zero,” because all the tens and face cards were worth zero. (Later on, the French spelling “baccarat” was adopted worldwide.) It is believed that the Italian game of baccara was based on the old Etruscan legend of a virgin who had to throw a nine-sided die. The result of the throw determined her fate.
If she threw an 8 or a 9, then she was elevated to the glory of being a priestess. If she threw a 6 or 7, she was allowed to live but could not take part in any future religious or community events. If she threw lower than 6, she was banished to the sea to drown. Not a nice tale, perhaps, but from it came the initial rules of the card game of baccarat. Although no one today is banished to the sea if they get lower than a 6, they usually lose the baccarat game.
The original baccarat game was played slightly differently than it is today. Cards were dealt by four different dealers, each of the players had an opportunity to be the banker, and players could place bets against other players as well as against the house. Today there is one dealer, bets are generally placed against the house, and the house also serves as the banker.(資料來源)
1.幸運六意思 目前部分的實際賭場,有著幸運六的玩法,本身分為兩種型態,一種為當閒家或莊家在與對手比牌時,以兩張6點取勝的話,則會有1:12的賠率;第二種為當閒家或莊家在與對手比牌時,以三張6點取勝的話,則會有1:20的賠率。幸運六本身在百家樂牌型中,是實際賭場中賠率最大的百家樂牌型。
2.例牌意思 例牌又稱為天牌,是在百家樂牌型中最大的牌型,本身是莊家或閒家某一方,拿到兩張手牌後,若翻開牌後點數合計為8或9點,則為例牌並且不需補牌,直接定為獲勝,並且賠率為1:8。
3.對子意思 莊家或閒家某一方,拿到首要的手牌後,是兩張相同的點數則為對子,玩家可下注莊對子或者閒對子,若撇除幸運六的玩法以外,是賠率最大的百家樂牌型,並以1:11的賠率。
延伸閱讀: 百家樂新手寶典:開始學習4種路子圖及其優勢!